To be honest, none of us had ever heard of Taormina before research was started for this adventure. We knew a few things to expect – the dramatic position of the Teatro Greco, overlooking the coastline; a ski-lift-type bubble and an active volcano looking over the place. But nothing could prepare us for the buzzy, self assuredness of this place. Continue reading
Author Archives: Pete
Costiera Amalfitana….promised more than it delivered..!
It was about a 5 hour journey from Tuscany to the Costiera Amalfitana – one littered with some of the scariest driving my Mums had ever encountered… Continue reading
Amo Italia
Buona Sera!
Bologna was my first taste of Italy -and I can tell you, it well and truly whetted my appetite. Our first stop – in Bologna – was by the roadside, in order to chuck everything out of the roofbox into the car,so that when we arrived at our apartment we could quickly remove said box, as we were too tall to fit into the garage that came with the accommodation – the equivalent of gold dust! It all went swimmingly, despite the traffic chaos outside, as school was out, just as we arrived. Meant we could join in and double park with the best of ‘em. Continue reading
Bordeaux to Monaco
I’ve been very busy…
Bon Soir, mon amies…it’s been a while…..have been a tad busy….so apologies in advance for length of this missive.
What can I say about Bordeaux..? Well, there was actually a park that was a) open, b) allowed me in, and c) I was allowed to make furry friends with another furry! My only regret is that I didn’t get a picture of, wait for this, Puncture Repair Kit! Yes, that was his name! Legend! Continue reading
Sur la Plage
Whilst my itinerary stated that we would be staying in Perpignan these past few days, it hasn’t really featured very much. We have actually been staying in a rather lovely camp-site at Canet-en-Rousillion, operated by Yelloh! Now, for some, this would be far too sanitised, but my slaves have been cock-a-hoop about the hot water, clean facilities and cheap plonk available on tap in la cave aux vins! Continue reading
St. Pierre d’Avignon
Put simply, they could have made a bit more of Avignon in the ball playing stakes…in my opinion! It’s all very well having a Palace of Popes, and the space in front would’ve made an excellent ball playing arena, but apparently that would’ve been disrespectful…am sure F1 wouldn’t have minded. Continue reading
Villa de le Ball
Apparently, I’m in for a rude awakening tomorrow,when I lose 5 slaves…leaving just MJ and MN at my beck and woof!
It’s been a glorious, sun-filled week, spent mainly playing ball around the pool and chatting to my mates. Continue reading
It’s been a funny old few days…
It’s been a funny old few days…
I’ve never been out with my mates so much, as recently…as if my slaves wanted me out the way…No-one seemed to comment on the fact that a number of my beds at home had disappeared last Thursday…A mad cap weekend followed, with a few tears and not an inconsiderable amount of booze – no relation, you understand… Continue reading
Wait, Rose….dis counts!
I’ve been hearing this, or something like it, quite a lot recently. Am unsure who this Rose is or what it is that counts so much, but my Mums have been banging on about it with much fervour. Until yesterday. Now, Rose can wait as long as she likes and dis doesn’t seem to count anymore…on the plus side, MJ (MummyJo) seems quite happy at the prospect of clicking & collecting, for the very last time,a new pair of shoes!
Culinary respite
I’m glad my mums took some time out to make these delicious Chestnut and Cranberry Sausage rolls! Yum!

Home made sausage rolls using up left overs