A snowy start to 2018…

We were lucky enough to be invited to see out 2017, and see in 2018, with the Tucker-Herberts of Hove, who were holidaying in Notre-Dame-de-Bellecombe! Continue reading

Back on the mainland…..

Travelling back from Sicily went without incident…despite the driving of the Sicilians! However, a two night stop in Pizzo was unfortunate…if you’re ever in SW Italy…don’t bother! Anyhoo, we set forth across Italy to Matera, a place none of us had heard of before but looked interesting. The drive was scenic and bearable for me, in the back (though disappointing not to stop at the many beaches we passed!). Continue reading

Bordeaux to Monaco

I’ve been very busy…
Bon Soir, mon amies…it’s been a while…..have been a tad busy….so apologies in advance for length of this missive.
What can I say about Bordeaux..? Well, there was actually a park that was a) open, b) allowed me in, and c) I was allowed to make furry friends with another furry! My only regret is that I didn’t get a picture of, wait for this, Puncture Repair Kit! Yes, that was his name! Legend! Continue reading

It’s been a funny old few days…

It’s been a funny old few days…
I’ve never been out with my mates so much, as recently…as if my slaves wanted me out the way…No-one seemed to comment on the fact that a number of my beds at home had disappeared last Thursday…A mad cap weekend followed, with a few tears and not an inconsiderable amount of booze – no relation, you understand… Continue reading