I’ve been very busy…
Bon Soir, mon amies…it’s been a while…..have been a tad busy….so apologies in advance for length of this missive.
What can I say about Bordeaux..? Well, there was actually a park that was a) open, b) allowed me in, and c) I was allowed to make furry friends with another furry! My only regret is that I didn’t get a picture of, wait for this, Puncture Repair Kit! Yes, that was his name! Legend! Continue reading
Category Archives: Dog friendly places
St. Pierre d’Avignon
Put simply, they could have made a bit more of Avignon in the ball playing stakes…in my opinion! It’s all very well having a Palace of Popes, and the space in front would’ve made an excellent ball playing arena, but apparently that would’ve been disrespectful…am sure F1 wouldn’t have minded. Continue reading
Villa de le Ball
Apparently, I’m in for a rude awakening tomorrow,when I lose 5 slaves…leaving just MJ and MN at my beck and woof!
It’s been a glorious, sun-filled week, spent mainly playing ball around the pool and chatting to my mates. Continue reading
Culinary respite
I’m glad my mums took some time out to make these delicious Chestnut and Cranberry Sausage rolls! Yum!

Home made sausage rolls using up left overs